>> To removes contaminants from water and produce clean water
Industrial Reverse Osmosis systems remove up to 99.9% of salts and contaminants from different impure feed water sources including municipal, brackish and surface water. The system blocks bacteria, particles, sugars, proteins, dyes, and impurities with a molecular weight superior to 150-250 Dalton.
Reverse osmosis is the most convenient and effective method of water filtration due to the fact it can remove more than most other systems. The system removes the impurities without the use of chemicals.
As the reverse osmosis process is non-selective – it removes the ‘good’ along with the ‘bad’ stuff, our solution can include the possibility of remineralizing the water by adding back some of the good stuff. This is done with a post-filter that contains some form of calcium or magnesium. The reverse osmosis treated water is passed through one of these filters where it dissolves some of the filtration media and remineralize the water.
Since our reverse osmosis system are fully adaptable to your needs, please contact us and let us know how we can help you. We will be happy to present you the reverse osmosis system that fit the best with your application.
Contact us today, and we’ll be happy to help you to the next step.